Adam Globetrotter

Traveler and photographer

I'm a traveler and wildlife photographer. I've been on the road and writing about my adventures since 2013.


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A hike to Crystal Lake was on my travel bucket list from way back. By no means an easy track, but definitely worth it. Due to the weather conditions we started our trip a little later than we wanted and we reached the lake at night. Watching stars reflect in the lake and rowing to the sleeping cabin is one of my best experiences yet.

After our adventurous night hike to the lake, we got to stay in this floating cabin for one whole weekend. It was so peaceful and refreshing. Even though rowing is hard work, it is really romantic and worth the effort. The early spring weather was definitely not good for a swim, but I just could not resist a quick dip.

Who says that a traveler can't get lost? It happens more often than you might think. But as a result, you'll have the greatest stories ever. To make sure that you'll stay on the safe side of things, I am going to share these 10 tips that will make your moments of being lost in the wilderness cool and perhaps even enjoyable.

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